Thematic Session Coordinator/Speaker Application Form
Welcome to submit your application.

1. First (and middle) Name


2. Last Name


3. Gender


4. Email Address


5. Mobile Number

Please fill in the following format: + Country/Area code + Telephone number; 

For example: +86 13000000000

6. Position*

7. Name of Organization


8. Type of Organization


9. Location of Organization


10. Which Sub-Theme would you like to contribute to?


Innovative Strategies and Policies

Digital Transformation in water management

Water Disasters and Climate Change

Water for Food and Energy Security

Water and Watershed Ecosystem

Knowledge Base and Dissemination

12. Type of Contribution

Coordinator means you will help develop concept note of the session and invite potential speakers.

Speaker means you will give presentation or join panel discussion at the session.


13. Your Message (optional)

If you have any questions, please contact the Thematic Session Team at