Home > Kick-off Meeting
Kick-off Meeting

The Kick-off Meeting of the 3rd AIWW provides participants the essential information on the framework and how to engage in the conference process for a further one and a half years until the Forum period. The Kick-off meeting will also share water stakeholders’ political, thematic, and business/project priorities through a bottom-up discussion. The meeting is the first step of the conference preparation, which will be segmented into political, thematic and project levels. Each participant can join to deliver their concretized solutions to local, national, regional, or global imminent water challenges by participating in the process. The framework will be preliminary determined and implemented based on cooperation between the participants and the Forum governance by fulfilling the substance and plans to execute to respond to water challenges based on cutting-edge technologies, well-developed policies, and experienced advice of the participants. 

It will be the first and the significant gathering for the 3rd AIWW preparation to deliver each one’s voice in the co-designing process of the event and collect necessary information and networks for further participation.  


Date: 7 July, 2023

Add: Songsan Global Education Center, Republic of Korea

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