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Home > Governing Body

National Organizing Committee
Honorary Chair
Li Guoying
Minister, Ministry of Water Resources of
the Peoples Republic of China (MWR)
Li Liangsheng
Vice Minister, Ministry of Water
Resources of the Peoples Republic of
China (MWR)
Vice Chairs 
Jin Hai Peng Jing
Director General, Department of President, China Institute of Water 
International Cooperation, Science and Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR)
Technology, MWR
Duan Hong
Secretary General, Chinese Hydraulic
Engineering Society
Representatives from relevant departments of MWR and national water
agencies, research institutes, co-organizers and sponsors
International Steering Committee, ISC

The ISC of the 3rd AIWW are jointly recommended by the host country and the Asia Water Council. With the high-level officials from the MWR and AWC being the co-chairs and the representatives from IWHR and AWC as the co-executive chairs, the ISC has its members from a wide-range of circles, including the bureau members of AWC, leaders of international organizations, well-known international experts, co-champions of AWC special committees, as well as representatives from the government, research institutions and water-related enterprises in Asian countries. The ISC is responsible for reveiwing the thematic framework, designating and coordinating organizers of the thematic sessions, reviewing the “Asia To Wolrd Statement” document, and being keynote speakers for plenary sessions and nominating speakers for parallel sessions.


Peng Jing

Seogdae Yun

President, China Institute of Water Resources and
Hydropower Research (IWHR)

     President, AWC; CEO, K-water

Co-Executive Chairs

Wang Jianhua

Yongdeok Cho

Vice President, China Institute of Water Resources and

Hydropower Research (IWHR); 

Champion, AWC Special Committee on Water and Climate Change

Secretary General, AWC


Asit K. Biswas

Bindu N. Lohani

Academician / Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Glasgow

Champion, AWC Special Committee on Water for Sustainable Growth;

Distinguished Fellow, The Resource Centre of Nepal

Cecilia Tortajada

Chang Chun Kiat

Chair of Professor, University of Glasgow

Deputy Director, River Engineering and Urban Drainage

Research Centre (REDAC), Malaysia

Dong kyun, Kim

Duan Hong

Coordinator, AWC Special Committee;

Principal Researcher, K-water Research Institute (KWRI)

Secretary General, Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society (CHES)

Firdaus Ali

Hao Zhao

Vice President, AWC;

Special Advisor to the Minister on Water Resources Management

(MPWH) of Indonesia;

Chairman, Indonesia Water Institute (IWI)

Director General of International Economic & Technical Cooperation

and Exchange Center, MWR, China

Hyoseop Woo

Ignacio Deregibus

Professor, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

Member, AWC Special Committee; Deputy Executive Director, IWRA

Ignacio González-Castelao

Joseph H. W. Lee

Chair of Water Committee,

World Federation of Engineering Organizations(WFEO)

President, Macau University of Science and Technology

Leonor Cleofas

Li Yuanyuan

Vice President, AWC;

Administrator, Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System(MWSS),

the Philippines

Champion, AWC Special Committee on Water and Ecosystems;

President, International Water Resources Association

Liu Junguo

Marco Arcieri

President, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power (NCWU)

President, International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID)

Mark Smith

Mukand S. Babel

Director General, International Water Management Institute (IWMI)

Champion, AWC Special Committee on Water and Climate Change;

Professor, Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand)

Nidal Salim

Pablo Bereciartua

Treasurer, AWC; Director, Global Institute for Water, Environment and Health

Chair, Global Water Partnership (GWP)

Pablo Valverde

Philippe Gourbesville

Deputy CEO, International Hydropower Association (IHA)

President, International Association for Hydro-Environment

Engineering and Research (IAHR)

Sangam Shrestha

Shahbaz Khan

Dean, Co-Director, School of Engineering / Global Water & Sanitation Center,

Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)

Director, UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office for East Asia;

UNESCO Representative to China, DPRK, Japan, Mongolia and ROK;

Champion, AWC Special Committee on Water and Ecosystem

Shie-Yui Liong

Shin, Eun Her

Honorary member, AWC; Professor, National University of Singapore

Coordinator, AWC Special Committee;

Principal Researcher, K-water Research Institute (KWRI)

Sunthan Huong

Toshio Koike

Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Water Resources and

Meteorology (MOWRAM), Cambodia

Executive Director, International Centre for Water Hazard and

Risk Management (ICHARM)

Vadim Sokolov

Wang Min

Champion, AWC Special Committee on Water, Energy , Food Nexus;

Deputy Director, International Fund for the Aral Sea Saving (IFAS)

Vice President, Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Research (YRIHR)

Wang Zhongjing

Wu Shiqiang

Champion, AWC Special Committee on Smart Water Solutions for

Integrated Water Resources Management;

Vice President, Ningxia University, China

Vice President, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute (NHRI)

Xu Jincai

Xu Jing

Director, International Center on Small Hydro Power (IN-SHP)

Deputy Director General, Department of International Cooperation,

Science and Technology, Ministry of Water Resources, P.R.C

Yang Fang

Yang Wenjun

Vice President, Pearl River Water Resources Research Institute

Vice President, Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute (CRSRI)

Yin Dewen

Young Il Song

Chief Economist, Yellow River Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.

Champion, AWC Special Committee on Water and Climate Change;

Chief Research Fellow, Korea Environment Institute

Zhang Jianli

Zhang Ke

Deputy Director, International Research and Training Center on

Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES)

Professor, Hohai University;

Deputy Director, Yangtze Institute for Conservation and Development